Advice Chief Column

By Jeff "Chief" Urbaniak
October 13 - 19, 2024

Attitude check 

Hello. I’m just checking in with my dedicated readers this week to see how everyone is doing. Of course I won’t hear your answer unless you message me, but that’s okay. Most importantly, I want you to hear your own reply in your own thoughts. 

Last month, the Advice Chief column website homepage received 391,812 hits from around the world so I know there are many who check in and see what I write about. I have received feedback from many people that my research, experience, and written advice helps them in one way or another to be a better leader--so I will continue writing. 

Recently, I, along with several of my readers, have become greatly concerned about the direction of this nation, as many have overwhelmingly expressed their concern that this country is heading in the wrong direction--and that it is making it harder for them to effectively lead in their respective leadership roles--and I completely understand their concern.  


I recently watched an interview with a politician on television and could not believe the comments and attitude I heard and observed from this person. I shook my head and wondered how such a person got to where they are, with the position and power they have, only to be so snide, rude, uncooperative, and incompetent during the interview. It was truly disturbing to watch. And sadly, people will vote for this person despite the person’s poor record and lack of vision or direction. 

As a leader, though, you can’t let this overarching national issue impact how you perform. You must stick to what you know, how you execute, and the method in which you effectively communicate and lead. You can keep your piece of the American pie sane and productive despite the political chaos. Be patient and wise in your courses of action and continue to guide people in accomplishing goals and missions despite the fallout associated with the political turmoil of this nation. 

Ultimately, this country will head in one direction or the other, and if it’s the wrong direction, hopefully enough people are smart enough to change it in the next handful of years before the front wheels pull the rear wheels over the cliff. 

As you watch the so-called potential future leaders of this nation say and promise anything to get a vote (of which the majority is not true or possible), just know it is what it is as that type of behavior has become the norm in today’s political America. You should be used to it by now so don’t become unraveled. 

If the national election doesn’t turn out the way you hope, don’t panic. Don’t make a spectacle of yourself in some sort of behavioral retaliation. Don’t quit as a leader. Rather, it will be a time for you to set the proper tone for others, many of whom will also be disappointed of the election outcome regardless who won. Your attitude during this time will be pivotal in the climate that surrounds your domain, so keep a good one.  


Always remember: Attitudes are nothing more than habits of thought, and can be acquired. This is because an action repeated becomes an attitude realized. If you say the right words, read the right books, listen to the right sources, be with the right people, do the right things, and pray the right prayer, you will have and sustain a good attitude that will help you produce positive results. Likewise, if you say the wrong words, read the wrong books, listen to the wrong sources, be with the wrong people, do the wrong things, and don’t pray at all, well, then you will eventually end up in a world of you know what. 

So hang in there and keep your chin up. Great leaders get their people through the tough times despite the tough steps or the high climb. You can certainly make a difference during these crazy and unstable political times. Keep leading onward and upward. Hopefully, the best is yet to come.

~ The End ~

